New Apple Podcasts Categories make a huge difference

Jarnsaxa is finally visible on Apple Podcasts.

Ever since Apple made a home for podcasts, whether it was iTunes or (now) Apple Podcasts, no distinction was made between non-fiction and fiction/audio drama/radio plays/et cetera. Thousands of independent immersive stories were buried in categories that didn’t fit. Personal Journals? Society and Culture? Performing Arts? Nothing was a good fit. It was a sink or swim situation. Unfortunately, many shows sank.

This summer, as Apple competes for your attention span with streaming services such as Spotify, Netflix and BBC Sounds , Apple finally decided to give Fiction a category. They even made three sub-categories: Drama, Comedy, and Science Fiction.

As a result, this vibrant, growing community of people and ideas can finally get its head above water. And, guess what?

Jarnsaxa is finally visible.

Here is a screen shot of part of the Apple Podcasts United States Fiction>Drama chart, taken on the 21st of August, 2019, at 5:53 PM.

Screenshot of the Apple Podcasts Fiction Drama chart, 21st August 2019
Can you find Jarnsaxa Rising in this picture? She’s in very good company.

Finally, we’re not buried under thousands and thousand of podcasts, we’re not shoved into a drawer that doesn’t fit. Finally, when people look for a good story on Apple Podcasts, they can find us, along with stories like ours.

Thank you, Apple Podcasts.

If this is your first time here, hello and welcome. Thank you for joining us. Get out your headphones or turn on your speakers. We have a story for you.

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